Dr. Rogene M. Eichler West, Ph.D., QEEGD is a computational and clinical neuroscientist. Her primary specialization is in the interpretation of brain function using traditional electroencephalographic (EEG) raw waveform analysis, normative databases, quantitative algorithms, as well as the application of machine learning algorithms on such data.
Dr. West is a Principal at Northwest Neuro Professionals, LLC, where she offers functional brain consulting to attorneys and clinicians requiring expert services concerning traumatic brain injuries and mental health status. She consults on research projects seeking to identify functional brain biomarkers associated with both peak performance and clinical correlates. She is a subject matter expert for startups developing brain-computer interface devices and platforms.
Dr. West is an associate editor at the Sage journal publication, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, shepherding the review process in topical areas such as quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG), event-related potentials (ERPs), algorithms, machine learning applications, and neurofeedback. She is a member of the International QEEG Certification Board (IQCB)’s Board of Directors, where she herself is certified at the Diplomate level.
Dr. West’s training in EEG/QEEG includes a six-month neurology residency focused on EEG through the Neurological Association of South Africa in collaboration with the University of Cape Town. She was a participant in the bi-monthly QEEG grand rounds with world expert, Jay Gunkelman for nearly a decade. She co-facilitated a five-month study program on the collection and interpretation of Event Related Potentials with world expert Professor Dr. Juri Kropotov. She has also studied EEG through Bellevue College’s Neurodiagnostic Technology program and the Neurodiagnostic Society (ASET).
Dr. West was previously a founding partner at Brain Health Northwest, LLC., a clinical psychology/neuroscience firm in Seattle Washington that specialized in the use of quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG)-based functional brain assessments and neurotherapies such as neurofeedback for the treatment of brain/mental health issues, in addition to standard psychological assessment and treatment approaches. While at BHNW, she practiced under WA State DOH CL60528100. She was a co-founder of REWIRE, a state-of-the-art performance training system specifically designed to unlock the body’s physical and cognitive potential. She was also a Chief Scientific Advisor for Myneurva, a Cloud-Based Machine Learning System for Neuropsychiatric Diagnosis and Treatment.
Dr. West has held academic appointments at University of Washington and Washington State University. During her initial tenure at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, she was a senior research scientist in the computational mathematics group, where she served as the lead organizer and educational director of the Department of Energy’s Multiscale Mathematics initiative. She studied multifractals with Benoit Mandelbrot. She worked on projects relevant to national security interests, such as the Biodefense Knowledge Center. She returned to the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory several years later as a Senior Research Scientist in Cognitive and Behavioral Modeling where her research included machine learning, neuromorphic computing, and dynamical systems analysis.
Dr. West received her Doctorate in Neuroscience from the University of Minnesota, where the neurophysiological portion of her training was through the medical school and the computational portion was through the Institute of Technology (Minnesota Supercomputer Institute). A portion of her laboratory rounds included in-vivo electrophysiological recordings from the pre-motor cortex of primates and in vitro electrophysiological recordings from rodent hippocampal slices. Her dissertation and subsequent postdoctoral work at the California Institute of Technology and the University of Antwerp, Belgium concerned the use of machine learning and mathematical algorithms to predict the electrochemical signaling behavior of neurons.
Dr. West is a member of the EEG & Clinical Neuroscience Society (ECNS), the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB), the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research (ISNR), and the Neurodiagnostic Society (ASET). She served as the chair of ISNR’s educational committee for several years and was awarded the Joseph & Ann Marie Horvat Award for Service. She also offered study groups and mentoring for Biofeedback Certification International Alliance’s (BCIA) Board Certification in Neurofeedback and for IQCB Board Certification.
She lives in Seattle with her husband and dog. Her time outside of work and family is consumed with becoming the best jazz drummer she can be.